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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Sagittarius, The Decade 2010 - 2020

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

A forecast covering the next ten years? Why? Don't you thrive on spontaneity? Don't you feel trapped the moment you suspect the events of the next ten months are set in stone? Or even the next ten minutes? I shall assume that you are reading this only out of mild curiosity so you can say, 'Ha! That's how much he knows.' And then set out to prove me wrong. Unless, maybe, you're finally reaching an age where you can see a point in looking that far ahead. Most of what you've done in your life so far, though, has been predicated on a resolute refusal to plough the field of the future. And for someone who has been so determinedly driven by the spur of the moment, you have done pretty well. Why would you suddenly abandon your close working relationship with happenstance and serendipity? If, though, there's one time when you might become more interested in living life by the same rulebook as everyone else, it's probably between Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2017 when you'll have Saturn in your sign. But, just before your birthday in 2018, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius and remain there till you're almost exactly one year older. That's when you'll start living on your luck with more cavalier abandon than ever before. And more success. It's a year that's well worth waiting for.

I've got a lot more to say to you about the outlook for your sign - week by week and month by month. You can see and hear it all as soon you become a part of our legendary 5 Star Service. Or perhaps you might like me to chart your personal map of the sky and prepare a report, strictly, personally for you!









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