New / Full Moons: Full 12th Feb in Leo New 28th Feb in Pisces Full 14th Mar in Virgo New 29th Mar in Aries
Tonight's Full Moon in playful Leo is known as the 'Snow Moon'. Although it coincides with chilly weather in the Northern hemisphere, it's traditionally a sign that the seasons are changing, and that Spring is on its way. But no matter where we are on planet Earth, since Leo is associated with sociability and creativity, it's about shifting tired energy, getting out, and having fun. By focusing on inspiring projects and causes that touch our hearts, we can create positive, inspiring change.
Do you want to know the secrets of the future? You can find out, right now, what's ahead for you. Just download a personal chart based on your exact date, time and place of birth. You'll find in-depth predictions for every week of the coming year - plus an overview of all your biggest astrological opportunities. Be ready for your chances and your challenges! To order your 2025 Year Ahead Guide, click here.
Daniel Cainer and The Stardogs and are back with your FEBRUARY 2025 Astrology Song. Enjoy some spookily accurate suggestions for the month in a musical nutshell from a multi-award-winning songwriter and two cute sausage dogs.
The Law of Attraction works on the principle that we, and our ideas, are composed of pure energy. And that the energy we project attracts the same kind of energy back. So, if we think positive thoughts, we attract positive events. And vice versa. Whether or not this theory works for you, you know the benefits of feeling positive. And with Venus in your sign, the cosmos is bestowing you with the ability to attract good things into your world. If you make it your goal to focus on things and people you enjoy, you'll maximise its gifts.
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
Unless you raise the sail, you'll never be able to catch the wind. If you don't dip your toe in the water, you won't be able to assess the temperature and work out if it's OK to get in. We often make assumptions that stop us from doing things. We weigh up the pros and cons from a distance. And sometimes, we conclude that there's no chance of it happening, walk away, and set our sights on something else. The Full Moon brings the inspiration to be bold. Whatever you set your heart towards, you'll achieve a satisfying result.
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
We're all influenced by societal 'norms'. We know which words should never be said and which subjects should never be talked about. We can allude and hint at such things, but we're wary of how and when it's OK to mention them. Yet there are exceptions. Sometimes, we find ourselves in unusual situations where protocols and rules need to be abandoned. Ruled by Mercury, you've got a gift for being able to talk about topics other folks would prefer to brush under the carpet. It can get you into trouble. But it's a real asset today.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...
Few things are impossible. Even situations of conflict can, with effort, be resolved. But, in our effort to fix something, other problems inevitably arise. These too, of course, are fixable. Since that seems to be the nature of life on this ball of rock, maybe the only time we're really in trouble is when we're imagining a problem; after all, how can we solve something that doesn't exist?! The Full Moon brings the insight to see that your biggest problem is the belief that you've got a big problem. If you reassess, you'll see how to easily sort it.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about your future in your unique Personal 2025 Birth Chart - Download Yours Now...
When we think about confident people, we picture film stars, entrepreneurs, and politicians. It's hard to imagine them battling self-doubt. Yet, they're susceptible to the same insecurities as the rest of us. In fact, impostor syndrome can make them even more insecure. They've got to live up to the success of their last film/song/press conference. The Full Moon, in your sign, is rebooting your self-esteem. Good. It's time for you to stop doubting and start doing. You deserve (and can) achieve great things. Set your sights high. And go!
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
We all understand the importance of learning from the past; that our experiences guide and teach us how to deal, more ably, with the inevitable challenges that come our way. But the past isn't always ready to teach us what we need. It's not an online classroom, equipped with exactly the right information, exactly when we need it. But just because we might sometimes feel underqualified and lacking the necessary expertise doesn't mean we don't have the skill to succeed. Don't be too hasty to draw conclusions from your past today.
So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
Some people are naturally cautious. They like to do things by half-measures. Since they find it easy to detach themselves, they take part in activities without putting their heart and soul into them. They can even be involved in significant discussions without being emotionally invested. That's their problem! Don't feel, for a moment, that you need to apologise for the passionate way you're responding to a situation you care about. It shows how special you are. The Full Moon brings the power to change things... for the better. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about about Yourself and your Future in your unique Personal Birth Chart - Download Yours Now...
It's wrong to blame people for problems they haven't created. It's also wrong to praise people for contributing to projects when they haven't done much towards the outcome. You're feeling uncomfortable because the wrong person is being held responsible for a situation. Whether they're being criticised (or praised) isn't the issue. It's the unfairness that feels wrong. Your task is to ensure that the right thing happens next. The Full Moon is strengthening your position. Lead by example and you'll restore harmony. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about your future in your unique Personal 2025 Birth Chart - Download Yours Now...
No one arrives on planet Earth with a promise guaranteeing them a straightforward path through life. Yet we seem to expect things to make sense and fall into place. We want things to be 'fair'. We hold onto the hope that people are good, decent and kind. Sometimes, the world lives up to our expectations. And sometimes people turn out to be undeserving of our respect. The Full Moon sheds light onto an obstacle you're dealing with. Despite your reservations, you're drawing ever closer to a moment of magic. So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
Our experience of life on this ball of rock teaches us to be patient. Yet we also need to be able to react spontaneously. We have to be humble, but we need to be dignified. We must honour our own needs as well as those of others. We need to trust and have faith, but be realistic about our goals. It's hard to get the balance right. You're trying to work out the best way of dealing with a challenging situation; someone you respect has very different views to you. If you explain your feelings, you'll find a way forward that works.
With the Full Moon, in your opposite sign, linking to your ruler, Uranus, the skies are encouraging you to think about the rules you're following and, with a note of caution, consider bending/breaking them. Eek! Which, to be clear, doesn't mean driving over the speed limit. Or doing anything that puts yourself (or anyone else for that matter) at risk. You've got enough sense to be guided by your own set of ethical values. So, with this in mind, know that you don't need to be bound by normal restrictions today. So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...
'Let the good times roll'. It's a great maxim to live by. And when everything's going to plan, it's easy to follow. But when we feel like we're going from one challenge to another, it's easy to think that the bad times have come rolling in. And when we're feeling negative, we can easily share our negativity so that it spreads, like a cloud, and affects the people around us. The Full Moon brings a ray of optimism. If you look forwards, and focus on bright things, you'll send out a positive message that attracts positivity into your world. So, 2025 is here. Is it going to be a good year for you? Find out now in your 2025 Guide to the Future - Download Yours Now...