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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

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Your Weekly Horoscope

Sat, 27th Jul
Oscar Cainer

Daily Illustration
New / Full Moons:
New 4th Aug in Leo
Full 19th Aug in Aquarius
New 3rd Sep in Virgo
With Mercury (ideas) aligned with Neptune (dreams) and Pluto (transformation), it's a time to discover hidden talents and nurture undeveloped skills. Talent is only a starting point; it takes research and repetition to hone natural abilities into sustainably impressive proficiencies. And if initial promises don't translate into instant success, with Mercury soon to turn retrograde and repeat these alignments, we'll get several bites of this particular cherry. Practice will make perfect.

Is your future set in stone? Or can you mould it, like clay, to create a new world that you really want to live in? The ancients believed that a horoscope was a key that open the locked door of a "sealed fate" into an open book of inspiring possibilities. Gain the power of cosmic insight... and the knowledge to time each choice you make with pinpoint precision. Allow us to calculate your birth chart and prepare a reading, personal to you alone, containing all the crucial dates and moments, over the coming 12 months, when you will have the greatest power to write, or rewrite, the story of your life.

Daily Planets (26 07 24):
Moon in Aries
Sun ( 3° Leo) Sextile Mars (3° Gemini ) at 02:32 UTC
Sun ( 3° Leo) Sesquiquadrate Saturn (18° Pisces ) at 08:39 UTC
Chiron - retrograde until December 29 2024
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Birth Charts

You Need to Slow Down NOW!

Moon Signs 21st July

Full Moon in Capricorn

What it means to have Moon in...

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About Jonathan Cainer.

Aries Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Is something making you edgy? Are you feeling a bit pushed, rushed, put upon and annoyed? This could be the exact kind of aggravation you need to be feeling! It's all very well saying you want a quiet life. But you're ruled by Mars; you definitely don't want a dull one! Excitement and stimulation go hand-in-hand. And often these feelings provoke a sense of unease. If you check beneath an uncomfortable sensation, you'll find a bright spark of hope. As long as you pursue positive action, this is going to be a great week. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Taurus Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You're allowed to dream. And you're allowed to do everything within your power to make your dream come true. Except sometimes, our dreams provide us with handy psychological escape mechanisms. If our fantasy became part of our reality, it might turn out to be less than ideal - so we prefer to keep it in the realm of our imagination. This week brings a choice. Events offer you a chance to pursue a dream. And if you need a boost of courage, the cosmos brings support. A solution to a longstanding problem is possible. Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Gemini Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Sometimes, you're filled with such confidence you can achieve almost anything. But there are other times when you doubt yourself and your abilities. At such moments, when if feels as if nothing's going your way, it's tempting to think that the fates are conspiring against you - although they're not. This week, with your ruler taking centre stage, the balance of power is in your favour. Your natural talents are in demand. If you shake off that sense of 'not being good enough' you can be super-effective. And that will feel very good indeed. "Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

Cancer Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Humans are hard-wired to think. We can't help but question motives, evaluate relationships and consider the pros and cons of opportunities. This is healthy and appropriate; we need to make the most of the intelligence we're born blessed with. Yet there are times when ignoring our intellect is the smartest thing we can do! Less thought and more passion is key this week. One thing matters to you now. Your heart knows why this needs to be a priority (even if your head isn't so sure). Be guided by it... it will guide you to success. PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Leo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You're going to a lot of effort to establish an agreement. You're worried that you won't manage to get the parties involved to reach understanding. And where will that leave you? Is there going to be a psychological price to pay? It's time to reconsider. When you picture the consequences, are you basing your prediction on informed intel, or is your imagination going into overdrive? You've taken on too much responsibility... and this situation is consuming too much mind-space. This week brings easier options. Take them... and trust. Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Virgo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: What seems to be completely out of reach? Which obstacles are blocking your route to progress? If you think about them, you'll see that they represent your fears (not your limitations). You're a competent Virgo, but you've still got an inner child. And right now, it's trying to hide from a challenge it doesn't feel ready for. With your ruler in such a strong position, this week brings events that remind you of your strengths. The fire in your spirit is being rekindled. Good. There's important work to do, and only you can do it. Consult 'Daisy', your personal AI Astrologer with a Free Trial of the 5 Star Service.

Libra Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: If you want to make the most of this week, take your time. And while you're at it, take someone else's time too! Someone in your world is so impatient to move things forward they're in danger of scuppering a plan. Being inspired to be hasty is one thing. But when the speed is motivated by anxiety, things start to go wrong. Since you're dealing with a situation that needs care, you need to assume responsibility and control. You can do that easily this week. If you model the right example, and relax, calmness will prevail. If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...

Scorpio Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You lack something you need. And in order to get it, you're going to have to forgo something you don't want to miss out on. Well, at least that's how it feels. But this week, (even if you feel powerless to affect change without having to make sacrifices), instead of giving up on your goal, give up on that sense of negativity. Your ruler, Pluto, is highlighting your innate skills and talents. By refusing to worry, and trusting in your abilities, you'll be able to work all the magic you need in order to bring the freedom (and success) you seek. The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Some weeks bring surprises. Some weeks bring revelations. And some weeks... well, actually, all weeks bring unexpected developments and discoveries. These vary in significance. They can be big or small. And the way we react to them affects their importance. Depending on our mood, it's easy to shrug something off as if it's nothing (when it has the potential to be life-changing). And vice versa. If you need an awakening, an innovation or a new and inspiring possibility, you can find it this week. Just keep looking. To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you need a full personal horoscope report. Change your future... change your life with an amazingly accurate personal report now!

Capricorn Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You know you haven't been functioning at your optimal level recently. It's understandable; a series of demanding factors have sapped some of your strength. It's going to take time (and self-care) to replenish your energy levels. Under this week's skies, you'll be able to find the space and the awareness to nurture yourself. Excellent. Because if you do, you'll soon be feeling as good as new. Just remember, you don't need to rush. By focusing your energy on that which you know to be most crucial, you can leave the rest to sort itself out.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: You're about to feel less anxious and more relaxed. Under these transformational skies, you can find ways to handle a tricky situation. Not all your problems will disappear. The reality is that you might have the same number of challenges at the end of the week! But there will be a big difference in how you feel about them. With a positive mindset, you're more than capable of dealing with anything that comes your way with style and ease. And that will reboot your confidence, and make you feel good. And that changes everything. Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Pisces Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: The difference between a great idea and a bad one is less obvious than we think. When we're prepared to invest energy in a bad idea, it has the potential to become great. The problem with great ideas is that as soon as they reach that status, they become targets for criticism; people are all too happy to point out what's bad about them! Your ruler, Neptune, in a powerful position this week, is inspiring you to review your current situation. It's neither good nor bad. If you see it in a positive light, you'll find ways to make it great. But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service and who is Daisy? Take a free trial!

Weekly Horoscopes

Your horoscope predictions for the week.

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Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Monthly Horoscopes

Here's your horoscope for July.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Moon Sign Horoscopes

Your horoscope for your Moon Sign.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

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