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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Cancer, The Decade 2010 - 2020

cancer Zodiac Sign

Throughout the decade, Pluto will be in your opposite sign. Saturn joins it there in 2018 and then edges along until, by 2020, the two planets are in exact conjunction. While neither Saturn nor Pluto are 'easy influences' and, though nobody finds life entirely perfect when they've got a planet passing through this part of their chart, you're being blessed. Pluto governs all 'invisible sources of immense power'. That's why we associate it with nuclear energy and political or religious extremism. Subatomic forces move at amazing speeds, even in structures we tend to think of as stable and stationary. Secret fears and feelings race through the hearts and minds of people who look, on the surface, as if they are calm and reasonable. Every so often, just as scientists find out how to harness unseen energy, campaigners express views which resonate with the hidden attitudes of millions. Pluto may no longer be considered a proper planet by the 'experts'. That's their mistake; don't let it be yours. During this next, very Plutonian decade, you've got the ability to reveal what's covered up, to stand up against plans that are clearly 'wrong' and to summon great force to your aid. You must not underestimate your ability to influence others. There's no force you can't realign, no power you can't undermine and no 'rule' that you can't redefine. Use this gift wisely.

I've got a lot more to say to you about the outlook for your sign - week by week and month by month. You can see and hear it all as soon you become a part of our legendary 5 Star Service. Or perhaps you might like me to chart your personal map of the sky and prepare a report, strictly, personally for you!









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