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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Sagittarius Horoscope

Mon, 30th September 2024
Oscar Cainer

Someone is behaving in an unreasonable way. They won't see sense or play fair. If you were in their shoes, you'd find a way to compromise... wouldn't you? Possibly. But if you felt that you were dealing with a fundamentally unfair situation, maybe you wouldn't. Maybe, you'd be behaving exactly like them! Today, if you remember the times in your past when your behaviour was challenging to others, you'll get much closer to understanding this person's viewpoint. Then, you'll be in a better position to help them change it.

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Pisces Supermoon

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Sagittarius - Your October Monthly Horoscope: Surely there's no point asking a question that can't be answered? Or trying to understand something that doesn't make sense? Hmmm... not unless you're an inquisitive Sagittarian! You know there's only one way to work out if a pursuit is futile (or not); and that's to give it a go! And sometimes, you have to give it a few goes. This month, you'll gain a lot from daring to venture into challenging territory. Exciting discoveries are rarely made while pursuing obvious objectives. Push boundaries in October, and you'll find treasure.

Sagittarius -

Sagittarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You probably know the song about the fact that there are more questions than answers. But I'd like to challenge that idea. It seems to me that there are more answers than questions. Which is something worth singing about! You think there's only one way to solve your current problem. And you're concerned that you haven't found the best way. But this week, if you take the pressure off, and relax, you'll realise that you've got a plan. Is it the right plan? If you trust yourself, and work with it, it will work for now. Trust. And allow it to unfold.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Sagittarius - Sat Sep 28, 2024:
Your October Monthly Horoscope: Surely there's no point asking a question that can't be answered? Or trying to understand something that doesn't make sense? Hmmm... not unless you're an inquisitive Sagittarian! You know there's only one way to work out if a pursuit is futile (or not); and that's to give it a go! And sometimes, you have to give it a few goes. This month, you'll gain a lot from daring to venture into challenging territory. Exciting discoveries are rarely made while pursuing obvious objectives. Push boundaries in October, and you'll find treasure.

Sagittarius - Fri Sep 27, 2024:
Take time out to have a really good look at what's going on in your life. And make a mental note of what you see. Because change is in the air. Even by the end of the weekend there will be noticeable differences. You've been working hard to improve an aspect of your world. Here come the first signs that you're making progress. If you've ever seen a building being demolished you know that after the blast there's a moment before it collapses. What's happening in your life won't be that dramatic. But it will be very satisfying.

Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Sagittarius - Thu Sep 26, 2024:
Top stand-up comics understand the art of making people laugh; it's more complex than saying something funny. It's the entire package; style is as important as the material they deliver. And, of course, the timing of the joke is critical. Even though you're dealing with a serious situation, your Sagittarian sense of humour will come in very handy. You might not be able to make anyone laugh. But your sense of timing is key. Choose your moment carefully, and you'll have the people involved in the palm of your hands.

Sagittarius - Wed Sep 25, 2024:
It's frustrating/irritating when things don't work out the way you planned. But there's no point getting cross. Or feeling down-hearted. You're an adaptable Sagittarian. And it doesn't take long for your optimism to pop up and enable you to see that whatever you're dealing with holds blessings. With Mercury linking to mysterious Neptune, your plans might go awry today. But life moves in mysterious ways. This is the cosmos preventing you from investing in an idea that isn't in your best interests. It's showing you a better way.

"Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

Sagittarius - Tue Sep 24, 2024:
The world we grew up in doesn't exist anymore. We played with toys that are no longer available. Watched TV shows that don't exist. And people who made headlines have been forgotten. Meanwhile, we struggle to keep up with the latest technology and eat things we'd never heard of when we were growing up. Yet we still hold onto the idea that we're here forever! Today brings a reality check. But rather than being something to be nervous about, it's a reminder of how good your world is. Take a look. There's lots to appreciate.

Sagittarius: - Mon Sep 23, 2024:
Remember when playing a game involved real-life interactions between people? And a ball. Or a pack of cards. These days, 'gaming' makes us think of computers. Even when we're being serious, we're constantly interacting with machines. They give us info, and we respond. The problem is that machines don't tire. They don't say 'I've had enough... let's stop and find something to eat'. You're in a cycle that seems impossible to escape. Today, if you take a break, you'll feel much more in control of what's going on.

PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Sagittarius - Sun Sep 22, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Imagine you're back at school and have been called to see the headteacher. Yikes! Immediately, you wonder what you've done wrong. If you could get out of the meeting, you would. The problem is that they're in a position of power, which makes you uncomfortable. There's a chance that when you get there, they're going to highly recommend you for your work. But you don't know for sure. This week, brings a similar kind of scenario. But don't worry. You're about to get a gold star from someone you value and respect.

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