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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Taurus, The Decade 2010 - 2020

taurus Zodiac Sign

It's a good job you're patient. You may have to wait for the last eighteen months of the decade for the most conducive cosmic climate. That's when the sign of Taurus begins to be bestowed with the Uranian blessing of innovation, invention, change and liberation. From late 2012 to mid 2015, though, you'll have Saturn passing through your opposite sign. That will put you in a position where, for a while, life is shaped by the needs and demands of a promise that must be kept. You'll feel both deeply restricted yet strangely protected by the situation you find yourself in at this time. Your life will not seem to be your own; yet the rewards for dedicating yourself so diligently to a meaningful cause will outweigh any resentment you feel. Issues involving low self-esteem that have plagued you, on and off, in previous years and decades will be by and large transcended by the time you get to 2020. You're growing into the more confident and successful person you have always deserved to be. And slowly but surely over the next ten years, you're going to rise to a position of prominence and power where you are rightly respected for talents and insights that many aspire to - but which you clearly have in abundance

I've got a lot more to say to you about the outlook for your sign - week by week and month by month. You can see and hear it all as soon you become a part of our legendary 5 Star Service. Or perhaps you might like me to chart your personal map of the sky and prepare a report, strictly, personally for you!









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