Yesterday's Sagittarius Horoscope
Saturday, 8 March 2025
Cainer Horoscopes
Your Weekly Horoscope: Imagine the billions of conversations taking place across our ball of rock? It makes you wonder what the point of all that talking is! We're all sharing our ideas, hopes, and plans with other people. But sadly, even with so much dialogue going on, we don't seem to get any better at living harmoniously with one another. Could these conversations be a bit one-sided? Do we like talking more than listening? In the approach to the Lunar Eclipse, if you pay close attention this week, you'll learn something extremely beneficial.
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There are a few exceptions, but surely most people deserve a second chance? We find it remarkably easy to rush to make judgements without being in possession of all the evidence. And this is particularly true when what we've learned seems to be clear-cut. But sometimes, an accused person has made a bad decision (rather than a calculated misdeed). Someone, in your world needs an opportunity to earn your respect again. The Lunar Eclipse brings the chance to reinvestigate a hurt, and heal a relationship. Forgiveness is key.
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