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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

taurus Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Taurus Horoscope

Sun, 30th June 2024
Oscar Cainer

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, O Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood." We can all relate to this lyric. Why, even when we're trying to do our best do we find ourselves having to defend our actions? If you find yourself having to explain your choices this week, don't start doubting yourself (or lose patience). If you take time to explain, not only will you be met with understanding, you'll open a portal that leads to support. And with other people on board with your plans, the journey forwards will be much more fun.

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Taurus - Your July Monthly Horoscope: Money, they say, makes the world go round. And many people think it's the cause of its problems. But if we're looking to blame something for the challenges we face, money isn't it; it's the love of the stuff. The good news is that July brings reasons to remember how much you can accomplish with your resources. Your generous nature means you can be a positive force for change. Since your heart is in the right place, even if you don't get materially richer this month, you'll be spiritually much better off. And that's a win-win.

Taurus -

Taurus -

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Taurus - Fri Jun 28, 2024:
The communication process is complex; it's rare to have a perfect conversation. We can be as clear as possible, but there's no guarantee the person we're talking to won't unconsciously project their own views onto our words. And even people with similar views and objectives don't always see eye to eye. Since this weekend brings an opportunity to share an idea, be bold and explain it as thoroughly as you can. If you're prepared to listen too, you'll be surprised (in a good way) by the enthusiasm of the response.

Taurus - Thu Jun 27, 2024:
Although we know that wisdom is a prized asset, few of us spend time trying to attain it. Why is that? Maybe it's because its treasures are easily overlooked. Or maybe, only the wisest folk understand its value. Or maybe, it's because attaining it demands effort, self-discipline and time. And we've already got enough on our plates. No wonder we don't prioritise carving out the space needed to develop this precious quality. Today, take an opportunity to stand up for someone whose actions are being misinterpreted. That's wisdom.

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Taurus - Wed Jun 26, 2024:
If you could work out why you're feeling so baffled you wouldn't be so baffled! You might still feel a bit confused, but you'd have more understanding. And that would give you a theory to work with. Which would re-empower you. But would it? Actually, you'd lose your ability to be open to other ideas! Just because you and a key person in your world seem to disagree on an important decision doesn't mean you can't find a way to communicate (or that there's a problem). Don't turn a small issue into something bigger than it is today.

Taurus - Tue Jun 25, 2024:
We've all got words and phrases that trigger memories. They push our buttons and remind us of when we were kids (who lacked the power to choose) or past relationships (where we felt undermined or undervalued). As a consequence, we choose our words carefully and are cautious about who we listen to. If you experience a powerful reaction to someone today, stay calm. You're in a different situation now; and your initial way of responding is no longer appropriate. If you rise above your emotions, you'll gain power (not lose it).

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Taurus - Mon Jun 24, 2024:
As your ruler, Venus, moves to link with Uranus, if you're in the mood for an adventure, you're in luck. An opportunity is arriving. Just remember that adventures involve a journey into the unknown; if there's no risk of getting a bit lost (or making a mistake), there's nothing adventurous going on! So, if you're bold enough to set out on a new path, what are your chances of success? If I told you, you'd lose the sense of excitement! But if you don't give it a try, you might regret it. Don't let fear stop you from experimenting today.

Taurus: - Sun Jun 23, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're a perceptive, but you don't always see things for how they really are. Some people, for example, think you've got a contrary side. They watch how you react when someone's trying to please you; their efforts often make you displeased. But just because someone's going out of their way to make you happy doesn't mean they're doing anything wrong. Maybe it's their way of forming a stronger connection with you. Don't put your guard up this week. If someone's being especially nice, it could be the start of something special.

Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Taurus - Sat Jun 22, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: We limit our expectations. Sometimes, we think we can't do something, but find ourselves doing it anyway. The world is full of people who are doing what they once thought couldn't be done, saying what they once thought they couldn't say, and believing what they once didn't believe. This week brings information that challenges your views regarding a key situation. This might be challenging. You'll need to rethink your attitude and recalibrate your approach. But the insight can transform the way you handle this, in a liberating way.

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