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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

aquarius Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Aquarius Horoscope

Mon, 30th September 2024
Oscar Cainer

When we're sending something fragile through the post, we take extra care to add enough packaging. Similarly in life, when people feel vulnerable, they protect themselves with invisible bubble-wrap and extra layers of protection. The problem is that we construct this outer wrapping so well that others are unaware of what lies inside. The Grand Trine brings the confidence to remove the armour you've been wearing. If you reveal that you could do with a helping hand, you'll get it. And strengthen a special connection.

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New! Moon Signs 29th September

Pisces Supermoon

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Aquarius - Your October Monthly Horoscope: October begins with a Solar Eclipse woven with the energy of your ruler Uranus. This auspicious start to the month brings a clear message. You're being blessed with insight. And if you're aware of the fact that you've got lots of problems to deal with, and too many demands on your time, it's even more perfect. Not only will you be more innovative than usual, you'll be able to explain your ideas in ways that other people find exciting. Which means you can find collaborative ways to sort things out... and have fun.

Aquarius -

Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're a smart Aquarian. But you're not too clever for your own good. Some people get so bogged down in planning for all eventualities that they never take action. Before embarking on a task, they want to resolve every question (even questions that don't need to be asked (let alone resolved)). They leave nothing to trust. They want to anticipate and legislate for everything. This Solar Eclipse week, you can enable someone who's stuck to move forwards. They're tied up in knots which, with your insight, can be loosened.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Aquarius - Sat Sep 28, 2024:
Your October Monthly Horoscope: October begins with a Solar Eclipse woven with the energy of your ruler Uranus. This auspicious start to the month brings a clear message. You're being blessed with insight. And if you're aware of the fact that you've got lots of problems to deal with, and too many demands on your time, it's even more perfect. Not only will you be more innovative than usual, you'll be able to explain your ideas in ways that other people find exciting. Which means you can find collaborative ways to sort things out... and have fun.

Aquarius - Fri Sep 27, 2024:
What do you think makes the world go round? Money? Or love? Luckily, you're not one of those people for whom fear lies at the heart of everything. They're suspicious of everyone (and everything) and are constantly looking for threats to ward off and problems to avoid. This weekend brings a chance to let go of a problem that's worrying you. You don't need to go round in circles trying to solve it. Remember that what goes around comes around. And if you're determined to relax and have fun, there'll be plenty of reasons to smile.

Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Aquarius - Thu Sep 26, 2024:
Your 'Yes!' means nothing unless you can also say 'No!'. Saying 'no' is a way of establishing boundaries. Of course, everyone sometimes says 'yes' when they want to/should say 'no'. We do it when we put other people before ourselves. Or when we lack the confidence to state our needs. Someone (or something) in your world deserves to be defended. And you're strong and clever enough to do it. Today, without being fierce, you can find a way to share a viewpoint in a way that others respect and understand. It needs to be done.

Aquarius - Wed Sep 25, 2024:
You don't like taking things at face value. You prefer to investigate and question whatever's going on. This is because you've understood a fundamental fact about life on this ball of rock. You know it's not straightforward. And experience has taught you that the deeper you dig, the greater the chance of finding treasure. You're under pressure to buy into a superficial view of a complicated situation. But don't. Keep researching. Today's Mercury/Neptune link opens the doorway to a much more rewarding way forwards.

"Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

Aquarius - Tue Sep 24, 2024:
Truths might be hard to face (or difficult to understand) but they're not complicated. When we feel confused by life, it's often because we're creating all sorts of complex justifications to avoid seeing the truth. You're involved in a narrative that's full of twists and turns. Just as you think you've worked things out, another problem pops up. Today, with Mercury (intellect) in such an influential position, check to make sure you haven't overlooked something fundamental. If you find it, you can take action, and make real progress.

Aquarius: - Mon Sep 23, 2024:
How can we decide, with certainty, what's possible and what's not? We make these kinds of judgements all the time. We base them on past experience and our ability to imagine things being different. But both of these capacities have their limitations. There will always be experiences we haven't had, and ideas that have never occurred to us. Fortunately, life always brings surprises our way. You're an ingenious Aquarian. If you're ready to reevaluate your idea of what's possible, you'll find a way to make an 'impossible' change.

PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Aquarius - Sun Sep 22, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: It's not as easy as we think to know who our friends are. Some people go out of their way to be supportive; but they've got ulterior motives. Other folk challenge us because they care about our wellbeing. Some friends take liberties; we let them get away with much more than we would if they were our foes. And our enemies tend to be people we were once very friendly with. This week's challenge involves looking at the way you've labelled a relationship in the past. If you reconsider it, you'll reframe it, in a surprisingly pleasing way.

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