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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

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aquarius Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Aquarius Horoscope

Wed, 4th December 2024
Oscar Cainer

You're trying hard to make some changes. Yet even though you've assessed this situation from all possible aspects, (including several unlikely angles), you can't work out what steps to take. It's more than frustrating. Are you overlooking a crucial piece of the jigsaw? It's unlikely. Anyway, with your innovative skills, you're more than capable of improvising and filling in any gaps in your intel. So, maybe you've got all the data you need - but aren't reading it correctly? Take your time today. Soon, it will all make sense. Black Friday / Cyber Monday - Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 'Guide to the Future' ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.









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Aquarius - Your December Monthly Horoscope: Ring the bells, wave the flags, Venus is entering Aquarius where it stays until the start of 2025. It's perfect timing for the season of goodwill. With your popularity on the rise, expect your social calendar to be busier than usual. People will happily go out of their way to fulfil your wishes. So, you don't need advice about how to make December great. You just need to remember to be diplomatic and tactful. If you're gentle with the more sensitive souls around you, relationships will deepen in ways that bring support and delight.

Aquarius -

Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
It's easy to change your life and make it easier. Rather than striving for the best, you just need to decide to settle for less. Turn your critical faculties down. When people ask for assistance, politely refuse. Hmmm... none of those options sound attractive or viable. No. That's not how you operate. It's not how you are. Or who you are. Which is why you don't really want to be leading an easy life! As your ruler links with Venus today, see your challenges as a consequence of your determination to make a difference. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer - Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!

Aquarius - Mon Dec 02, 2024:
The idea that's whirring around your head right now? You don't have to get into it. Or let it get into you. Whether you choose to rise above it, put it behind you, or find a way to work through it, you can free yourself from a sense of being overwhelmed. Unbeknown to you, as your ruler, Uranus, links with Venus, help is on its way. You're about to be inspired by an insight that enables you to move on from a challenging situation. You just need to be prepared to take advice from someone you normally give advice to.

Aquarius - Sun Dec 01, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There's a discreet way to achieve what you need to achieve. And there's a provocative way. The more assertive method might get you further, faster. But the consequences of being so forceful might take time and energy to sort out. So, don't rush into making a decision. This week, with Venus, the planet of love, linking to your ruler, Uranus, you're going to be hard to provoke. If you're as thoughtful and sensitive as you can be, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble in your relationship world. Choose the softest option and all will be well. Black Friday / Cyber Monday - Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 'Guide to the Future' ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and complimentary Tarot readings.

Aquarius - Sat Nov 30, 2024:
Your December Monthly Horoscope: Ring the bells, wave the flags, Venus is entering Aquarius where it stays until the start of 2025. It's perfect timing for the season of goodwill. With your popularity on the rise, expect your social calendar to be busier than usual. People will happily go out of their way to fulfil your wishes. So, you don't need advice about how to make December great. You just need to remember to be diplomatic and tactful. If you're gentle with the more sensitive souls around you, relationships will deepen in ways that bring support and delight.

Aquarius - Fri Nov 29, 2024:
We're social creatures. We need people to talk to. But as well as being able to reach out for support, we need to be able to count on ourselves. In a way, we need to be our own best friend. And we can't do that if we're our own worst enemy. In your world, as you consider others' needs, there's a risk of you cutting off a branch that's supporting you. To limit this possibility, you need to carefully weigh up the losses and gains of a choice you're about to make. Don't forget to take your own needs into consideration this weekend. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer - Act Fast! 50% OFF your 2025 'Guide to the Future' ( *runs from now until the very end of 2025), with a free Personal Profile Chart token and Three Free complimentary Tarot readings.

Aquarius - Thu Nov 28, 2024:
We've all watched action movies where actors perform death-defying feats. Like abseiling down skyscrapers, driving at breakneck speed, and fighting with antiheroes. Often, of course, the footage is skillfully shot in a way that deceives our eyes; stunt doubles perform these daring activities. You're being called to do something that takes mental courage. In a way, it would be easier if someone else stepped in and relieved you of this responsibility. But it's your life. Not only can you do this... once you start, it will be fun.

Aquarius: - Wed Nov 27, 2024:
Are you feeling stuck? Disempowered by a rule or regulation that's preventing you from moving forwards? Today, as Uranus and Saturn link, they empower you to break free from a restrictive situation and find the freedom to set off in a different direction. But it doesn't necessarily involve a physical change. It may well be a belief that has to alter. An aspect of your world has been unsatisfying for a while. Today brings the insight to do something about it. You might raise a few eyebrows. But you're still right to go ahead. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Offer - Act Fast! 50% Off Charts plus Freebies!

Aquarius - Tue Nov 26, 2024:
Just because you can't see a halo when you look in the mirror doesn't mean you haven't got one. And a pair of wings would suit you very well. You might be a worldly Aquarian, but you've got an angelic side. Behind your independent manner lies kindness and compassion. You might not think people can see those attributes, but they can. You're dealing with someone whose behaviour is less than exemplary. You've given them the benefit of the doubt. Should you stop? No. Your goodness is rubbing off on them.

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