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Your Leo Moon Horoscope

Cainer Horoscopes
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For the week starting:
Sunday, 9 March 2025

leo Zodiac Sign
Friday's Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is illuminating your material world. You're rather like a treasure hunter who discovers the map they've been using has been upside down all along - it's time to reorient yourself to see where the true riches lie. This cosmic event helps you distinguish between genuinely valuable resources and shiny distractions. Virgo's practical energy is encouraging you to organise your world with greater attention to detail. You might feel drawn to clear away unnecessary expenses - or possessions that are merely collecting dust. Don't fret if this brings changes to your financial landscape - the eclipse is simply helping align your resources with your authentic values. Trust that as you release what's merely weighing you down, you're creating space for new riches. The universe has plenty of opportunities for those who make room to receive them.

Unexpected revelations may arrive like uninvited guests, bringing gifts disguised as disruptions. This Blood Moon is transmuting something within you - turning outdated patterns into renewed purpose. Learn more about upcoming 'Blood Moon' Eclipse.

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