Even people who love singing don't sing all the time. Thank goodness for that! Imagine phoning a friend and they sang their responses? It might be fun for a while. But if you were trying to share important news it would soon become irritating. You're trying to inject enthusiasm into a situation that seems too serious. You'd like people to feel more engaged; and are wondering what to do. But what's taking place is both practical and positive. If you relax, you'll be able to appreciate (and even enjoy) what's happening.
Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.
Leo - Your Weekly Horoscope: Some people with lots of money collect flawless precious stones. They're excited by the thought of owning something perfect. Interestingly though, it's the imperfections of our world that bring the greatest fulfillment. When we've got nothing left to improve, what have we got to motivate us? If your life was perfect, wouldn't you miss the challenges and the stimulation of trying to better your world? With your ruler, the Sun, starring in this week's celestial show, know that anything less than perfect is part of the magic.
Leo - Your September Monthly Horoscope: 'Your attitude, not your aptitude determines your altitude.' It's a great motivational saying, which you can implement with success this month. Attitude might not be everything... but it counts for a lot. September is about finding a balance between perspective and passion. Expect issues and situations that motivate you, and high levels of emotion, but you'll have the insight to be able to reframe your feelings and, at times, step back and find a sense of calmness. With the right attitude, you can climb to new, exciting heights.
Leo - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We might have ideas about what happens to us when we move on from planet Earth - but nothing's provable. Thus, reincarnation remains a concept. Yet every once in a while, we meet someone with whom we share such immediate, inexplicable understanding, it makes us wonder if we knew them 'before'. It feels good. It comes with a sense of rightness that indicates that this particular course of our life is just as it's meant to be. With your ruler taking central stage in this week's cosmic events, be ready for serendipitous surprises.
Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!
Leo - Sat Sep 07, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Some people with lots of money collect flawless precious stones. They're excited by the thought of owning something perfect. Interestingly though, it's the imperfections of our world that bring the greatest fulfillment. When we've got nothing left to improve, what have we got to motivate us? If your life was perfect, wouldn't you miss the challenges and the stimulation of trying to better your world? With your ruler, the Sun, starring in this week's celestial show, know that anything less than perfect is part of the magic.
Leo - Fri Sep 06, 2024:
A saying for you: 'A frog who lives in a well doesn't know about the ocean.' Obviously, you're not an amphibian. And you're not in a well. And you've visited the ocean. So, you're probably wondering why I'm offering this piece of wisdom! Yet someone is advising you to stay as far as possible from a particular setting/adventure. But the person who's warning you lacks your wealth of experience. They're trying to protect you from exploring wider horizons, which you want to explore. Be bold. You might even encourage them to go with you!
Do you know who you are? Are you sure? Deep within your full personal birth chart, there's a wealth of information about your true potential. Reveal your hidden talents. Find out what you could achieve if you were really to try. Set yourself free to be the person you were always meant to be. To learn more, click here.
Leo - Thu Sep 05, 2024:
Stop berating yourself for wanting something you can't have; it's a healthy, human attitude. If we only wanted things that are easily achievable our planet would be full of bored people, sitting around scrolling on their screens and drinking coffee. Hmmm... maybe, when you come to think of it, your boundary-pushing mindset is unusual. Thank goodness for that! The world needs edge-walkers and innovative thinkers. They make our planet more exciting. So, what you want right now is excusable. And attainable. Go for it!
Leo - Wed Sep 04, 2024:
If only we could close our eyes and make things go away. Yet just because you can't pretend you don't have an issue to face today doesn't mean you need to direct your full focus onto something you'd rather not see. Just acknowledging that a less-than satisfactory situation exists is enough. You'll open yourself to a chance to sort it out. Power planet Mars brings an opportunity to do that. Paradoxically, to make the most of its energy, you need to direct your attention towards the things in your life that bring you pleasure.
There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.
Leo - Tue Sep 03, 2024:
It's going to be impossible to fully relax until you've sorted something out. Which is fine. With everything going on, I wouldn't be doing my job if I predicted an easy day ahead. But I do foresee you making steady progress. And that soon you'll be in a position where you'll feel more able to rest easy and set your current problem aside. That sense of relentlessness, which is affecting your thoughts (and possibly your sleep) is going to settle and lose its power. By taking action today, you'll help speed that process along.
Leo: - Mon Sep 02, 2024:
In an ideal world you'd like to let go of something you've been hanging onto. But there are considerations to take into account. If, for example, you find yourself on the metaphorical equivalent of a cliff edge, and what you're holding is stopping you from sliding over, this isn't the time to let go! Not that you're in anywhere near such a precarious position. But could you be trying to abandon something that still has value? Today's development shows you how to use what you want to get rid of, in a way that creates progress. There's no rush.
Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!
Leo - Sun Sep 01, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some people struggle to find the right words. Others seem to have kissed the Blarney Stone; even when they don't have a clue about what's going on, they manage to sound eloquent. Keep your wits about you this week. Watch out for someone telling you something that sounds interesting (and helpful), but doesn't somehow feel 'right'. Their assertions don't quite ring true. And trust your instincts. If you seek counsel from someone else, you'll be sure you're making good decisions, and establish a good connection going forwards.