Gemini - Your Weekly Horoscope: There is a record-breaking number of plans to launch probes, rockets, and missions into space this year. Wow. At this rate, it won't be long before we see a huge poster in the sky emblazoned with the words 'Planet Earth: You don't have to be crazy to live here... but it helps!' It's no wonder alien invasions only happen in the world of fantasy; we live in a crazy place! Events, as we move towards this week's Lunar Eclipse, might not make complete sense to you. But they bring you an 'out of this world' experience you'll love.
Gemini - Your March Monthly Horoscope: If 'necessity is the mother of invention', inspiration must be the other parental figure. Both need to be present if dazzling ideas are going to occur. Without a spark of brilliance, an inventive thought risks falling into the conventional category. Just because your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde in March doesn't mean you're going to be beset with problems. With Venus also retracing its steps, by actively taking time to reflect, you'll access ideas that hold the potential to transform an area of your world you've long wanted to change.
Gemini - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Horoscope: There is a record-breaking number of plans to launch probes, rockets, and missions into space this year. Wow. At this rate, it won't be long before we see a huge poster in the sky emblazoned with the words 'Planet Earth: You don't have to be crazy to live here... but it helps!' It's no wonder alien invasions only happen in the world of fantasy; we live in a crazy place! Events, as we move towards this week's Lunar Eclipse, might not make complete sense to you. But they bring you an 'out of this world' experience you'll love.
Want to know more about what your future holds? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!
Gemini - Fri Mar 07, 2025:
You know that issue you're avoiding talking about? The one that (rather conveniently) the person you need to discuss it with is also avoiding? Well... there's a bigger issue. It would be fine if you were both skirting around the same topic. But you're not! It seems you're tip-toeing around each other because you're both aware of sensitive spots in the other person's psyche - and neither of you want to create any upset. This weekend, by boldly initiating a conversation, you'll gain insight. And establish a deeper bond of trust.
Gemini - Thu Mar 06, 2025:
If you're unhappy about the way a situation is developing you need to say something. If there's an issue that needs addressing, you need to address it. The idea of speaking out might make you feel uncomfortable. But with your ruler in Aries, you're in a position where your influence will have a considerable effect. Not only are you in control of the steering wheel of your destiny; you've got the words to explain your ideas in a way that makes them acceptable. Say what needs saying. Then, you'll be able to move on.
Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.
Gemini - Wed Mar 05, 2025:
Sherlock Holmes plays the violin as a way of distracting his rational mind. By handing over control to his unconscious, he allows his more intuitive side to be inspired. He creates a space where it can meander around the clues/evidence so that the strands can start coming together to arrive at a solution. He's a fictional character. Yet we can still learn something from his technique. With your ruler, Mercury, linking to transformative Pluto, don't rush to come to a decision today. Your instincts are your superpower. Trust them.
Gemini - Tue Mar 04, 2025:
Ostriches are misunderstood. We think they bury their heads in the sand because they think that if they can't see their predator, their predator can't see them. Actually, because they can't fly and build their nests in trees, they lay their eggs in the ground; and sometimes check on them to see that they're doing OK. Our minds are full of pieces of intel we don't challenge. You've been treating a misconception as a truth. And it's been affecting your behaviour. If you reassess, you'll see a path that leads to a happier future.
Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!
Gemini - Mon Mar 03, 2025:
Sometimes, we have no choice but to accept that things are the way they are. We can make as much effort as we like, but there's not going to be anything we can do to change them. Yet that doesn't mean we're helpless. Or that we have no power. We always have the freedom to change our attitude and the way we respond. We have total control over that. With your ruler moving into Aries, you're being given a boost of courage that will help you to shine a light of hope onto one of your darkest fears. Hope will lead to success.
Gemini: - Sun Mar 02, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're constantly weighing things up and making calculations. We don't even notice we're doing it; this process is an automatic, inbuilt mechanism. 'Is it worth investing this amount of energy for that reward'? 'What do I risk if I make this choice'? We make an uncountable number of decisions every day; all designed to keep us alive, thriving, and happy. But sometimes, when we're called to undertake an emotionally demanding task, the internal 'cost-benefit analysis' is hard to work out. This week, with your ruler in fiery Aries, a risk is worth taking.
Have your chart cast, then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be and how they will affect you in the future. Click here!
Gemini - Sat Mar 01, 2025:
Your March Monthly Horoscope: If 'necessity is the mother of invention', inspiration must be the other parental figure. Both need to be present if dazzling ideas are going to occur. Without a spark of brilliance, an inventive thought risks falling into the conventional category. Just because your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde in March doesn't mean you're going to be beset with problems. With Venus also retracing its steps, by actively taking time to reflect, you'll access ideas that hold the potential to transform an area of your world you've long wanted to change.