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Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Mars Retrograde

by Jemima Cainer
Wed, 16th Oct

Mars Retrograde

Zodiac Holidays

Are you on the brink of Burnout or making way for something bigger?

From mid-October, Mars begins to slow, its pace before shifting into retrograde on December 6th. We are entering a period of reflection and recalibration. This fiery planet, which governs our energy, ambition, and drive, will appear to move backwards in the nurturing yet emotionally charged waters of Cancer until it stations direct again on February 17th 2025. This celestial event stirs the cosmos in a profound way, and many may wonder if they are on the verge of emotional burnout. But Mars retrograde in Cancer is not a cosmic roadblock; it is an invitation to slow down and reassess where your energy is going and why.

Are you heading in the direction that truly aligns with your heart, or have you been swept away by external expectations? This period offers a rare opportunity to pause and reassess.

Maybe you've been pursuing goals that no longer feel right for you, or perhaps you've been ignoring your emotional needs and feelings in order to protect others. Mars retrograde in Cancer is your chance to get real with yourself and reconnect with what drives you. What do you need? What actions can you take that align with your emotional truth and help you to do what feels right?

If it's a battle to go forwards, try things sideways...

Imagine you're hiking up a mountain, but halfway through, you realise you forgot to pack your water bottle. You could keep going, but without your needs being met, the journey becomes unnecessarily arduous. Mars retrograde in Cancer is like taking a break at the halfway point. It's a reminder to check if you're emotionally equipped for the climb and, if you need something, it is a chance to get it for yourself. Cancer, after all, is ruled by the Moon, the celestial body that governs our innermost feelings. So, Mars in Cancer retrograde is less about the external battlefields and more about the internal, emotional ones. We get so used to battling through that going with the flow instead feels alien. But learning to do this is actually the key to lasting success.

Where are you placing your emotional energy? Are you nurturing your own needs, or are you so busy tending to others that your personal well-being has taken a back seat? This period encourages you to examine your relationship to your roots and your support networks. Home life, family dynamics, and the emotional foundations that support your everyday actions can be well secured under this transit. Anything that feels shaky is being tested.

Mars in retrograde tends to temper our outward drive, but in Cancer, a sign deeply connected to home, family, and emotional security, does something even more profound. This is a transit capable of healing because, by taking care of your emotional world now, you are making yourself stronger. Emotions are no longer a background hum, but a clear, unequivocal guide, steering us toward the things we've been neglecting within ourselves. Cancer's Cardinal quality reminds us that action is still possible, but it is not about pushing harder or faster. Instead, it's about moving with purpose, protecting our energy, and using our emotions as a compass. Burnout isn't inevitable if we listen to these signals. What is inevitable is the need to recalibrate how we approach things that have been consuming us, often without us fully realising it.

Mars moves forwards but Cancerian Crabs scuttle sideways. The only way to get to where you are headed is not necessarily by just powering through but in the process of revisiting and gently testing out different routes which feel right for you. Moving according to intuition rather than feeling like you must always be going in a certain direction.

Cancer's connection to the past and to memory can make this transit feel even more intense. Old wounds, unresolved issues, and suppressed feelings might resurface, demanding your attention. This can feel overwhelming, but it is also an opportunity for healing. Instead of pushing through, Mars retrograde urges us to pull back and evaluate: Are the things you're fighting for worth the energy you're pouring into them? If you've been striving too hard, especially in areas where your emotional investment has outpaced your physical or mental capacity, now is the time to pull back. This is not a defeat, but a process of regathering strength and bringing yourself into the centre. If you've been feeling lost or unsure, this retrograde isn't here to add to the confusion. It's here to help you find your way. Taking space to look inwards and connect with yourself, to honour your inner child by listening not to what you think it might want but hearing what it needs, you can bring yourself a sense of empowerment.

You don't need to have all the answers right now; you just need to trust that by tuning into your inner world, the outer world will start to make more sense.

Have you ever felt like you're charging ahead but aren't sure why? Or perhaps you've been pushing so hard to achieve something, but the emotional cost is starting to outweigh the reward? Mars retrograde in Cancer is here to make you pause and ask these questions.

Building yourself up to avoid Burnout

Burnout, after all, isn't just a matter of physical exhaustion—it is the emotional and spiritual depletion that comes from not honouring your own limits. Mars retrograde in Cancer is about recognising those limits. These are not your weaknesses. A limit can be a vital line of defence.

Learning when to say no when it matters means that you are saying yes to self-preservation and nurturing yourself. During this transit, sensitivity is heightened. This can feel exhausting but it is also a great gift. When our feelings become more obvious to us, acting from a place which protects our emotional well-being becomes clearer too.

By the time Mars turns direct again in February, we will have a clearer understanding of what truly deserves our energy and what has been draining us needlessly. This retrograde is a cosmic push toward balance, not exhaustion. It asks you to tune into your emotional world, to trust the ebb and flow of your energy, and to release the pressure to always be "on." It's a lesson in letting go of unnecessary battles and redirecting your fire towards the things that truly matter. If you've been working harder to compensate for emotional imbalances or pushing yourself beyond your limits, Mars retrograde in Cancer will highlight those cracks, not to break you down, but to remind you that self-care is a form of strength.

Rather than viewing this time as a period of depletion, see it as a journey towards a better relationship with your sense of emotional stability.

You may find yourself more emotionally attuned, and with that, more capable of protecting and nurturing your energy. Old issues and wounds may re-emerge and prompt you to pay them attention. We rarely give ourselves anywhere near the same level of care that we would offer to others. Mars' retrograde is an opportunity to practise that. It is a great time to nurture the softer, more sensitive parts of yourself which get overlooked in the pursuit of 'moving forward'.

How often do you take time to care for yourself emotionally? Are you regularly checking in with your feelings, or do you push them aside in favour of keeping busy? Are you allowing yourself to process or just powering through?

The next few months are a cosmic reminder that emotional care is just as important as physical action. In fact, it's the foundation upon which all other actions should be built.

It's a man's world but...

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. This celestial body has a deep connection with the divine feminine and the archetypal mother. Mars is a masculine planet and it is not particularly comfortable in this sign. It is being asked to change how it operates and to adapt. For women, hosting such a guest is equally challenging. This retrograde is a chance for these energies to come into balance with each other and to learn from each other too. Themes of Martyrdom and power dynamics are being celestially spotlighted. That in itself, in a patriarchal world which has caused ancestral wounding for such a long time feels heavy. But this is a moment for learning which paves the way for rebalance and a redistribution of responsibility. Maternal Martyrdom means we feel like we must do everything for everybody else and sacrifice our own needs. Mars is challenging this idea and actually, by feeling some of that load, this planet can help us to find a way to support ourselves as well as honour our role as a provider of maternal care.

When planets move through Cancer they tend to cling on to whatever they are focusing on. Mars travelling back through this sign is presenting us with an opportunity to readjust boundaries and to soften, or firm up, our stances on certain issues as necessary. As Mars retraces its steps in Cancer, we may be forced to confront uncomfortable truths - especially around boundaries and stereotypical gender binaries. Have you been overextending yourself for others? Are you trying to maintain a façade of strength when your internal world is crumbling under the pressure? This retrograde is a bit of a cosmic mirror, reflecting back the places where we have given too much, or perhaps, where we have built walls that no longer serve us.

Mars, the warrior planet, doesn't just push us to fight external battles, it prompts us to protect ourselves. In Cancer, this protection is about emotional and energetic safeguarding.

Mars retrograde in Cancer feels a bit like swimming through a sea of emotions. This isn't about making grand, sweeping gestures or bulldozing through obstacles. It's about reconnecting with your emotional truth, nurturing your inner world, and learning to move with the tides rather than against them.

Mars retrograde in Cancer asks us to slow down and really examine how our actions align with our intent. Are you pushing forward with something out of a sense of duty, or are you truly passionate about it? Are you living our values and doing what you really feel is right?

This is a time to refine the way you assert yourself. Mars is the planet of willpower, but Cancer reminds us that true strength often lies in emotional intelligence and wisdom sometimes looks like slowing down. Vulnerability is not a weakness and neither is moving at a pace which feels comfortable. This transit is challenging you to reset. To strengthen your boundaries around how you care for others and yourself, and to emerge from the other side not burnt out, but rejuvenated, with a deeper understanding of where and how to channel your drive.

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