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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Leo Year Ahead 2024

Oscar Cainer

leo Zodiac Sign

In 2024, The Celestial Archer enhances your inherent star power so that you take on a more exciting, fulfilling role in the narrative of your life. The action begins in April with a fiery Solar Eclipse followed by the Jupiter/Uranus convergence. Together, these astral directors inspire you to change the way you approach life's challenges so that you enhance your prospects for success. You've had to present an image that suited other people's expectations. As you find ways to challenge their assumptions your ability to thrive leads to recognition and success. You just need to find the confidence to react and respond in ways that honour your deepest feelings.

In May, as Jupiter changes signs, you'll exude such charm and enthusiasm that other people will be stunned by your talents, and go out of their way to assist you on your path to success. The accompanying inner sense of belief and purpose helps create an environment where you can shine.

In September, when your ruler moves into peak position with The Archer, it brings opportunities to maximise your resources. It empowers you to develop hidden talents, set new targets, and change the way you go about your business. Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way and one of them could prove to be the most rewarding investment you'll ever make.

By November, when Pluto settles opposite your sign, you're already progressing onto the next stage of your life. A transformative process is completing and a new landscape is unfolding. You'll be developing your passions and expressing yourself more freely and fully. In 2024, you'll find the support you need to be true to yourself, chase a dream you've longed to pursue and be immensely proud of all you achieve.

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