Born to Be - Gemini
by Jonathan Cainer
If you're born under the sign of the twins, you're not obliged to develop a split personality but you will always see two sides to every story. That gives you a natural edge in research, commerce and communication. In the unlikely event that you ever run out of people to debate things with, you can play the game of "devil's advocate" all by yourself. You can argue any case from any angle and while not all barristers are born under your sign, many Geminis love to feel sure they know the law, even if they work in their other favourite fields like sales, education and journalism. A competitive urge often takes Geminis into the sporting arena where they can demonstrate their endless will to win. Kylie Minogue has shown us all her fighting spirit and she demonstrates, too, Gemini versatility in the way she began life as an actress and turned into a pop star. Though not all Geminis are quite so glamorous, all can turn on the sex appeal with unnerving ease when they feel so inspired.
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