5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

Your Moon in Taurus

by Jemima Cainer
Find out your 'Moon' Sign' here.

taurus Zodiac Sign
To be born with the Moon in Taurus is to have a steady connection to all of life's earthly pleasures. You take your time, savouring every sensation and feeling out each experience as it comes. Your intuition is more than just a spark - it's a full-body immersion in the world around you. You understand people and things on a level that few others can match. And when it comes to reliability and dependability, no one does it better than you. Your graceful steadiness is an inspiration to us all. But perhaps your greatest gift is your ability to curate the world around you.

You don't just collect things, relationships, memories, or people - you nurture them, helping them to grow into something truly wonderful. You have a knack for taking even the most worn-out, hopeless-looking plant, pot, or person and bringing them back to life with your gentle care. It's no wonder that those in your life feel safe and secure with you. However, this gift also has its challenges. You can find it hard to let go of the things you've nurtured and loved, wanting to keep them safe and close to you forever. And oh, how you crave luxury and comfort in your home! You have an eye for the finest things in life, and you're not content until you've surrounded yourself with the very best.

But it's not just a matter of wealth and opulence - it's about creating a lasting sense of peace and tranquillity that sustains your soul.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

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