Sun Sign Compatibility - Air Signs
GEMINI, LIBRA and AQUARIUS are the Air signs who dwell in the realm of thought and theory. Their heads are always in the clouds. From this lofty position they can see a long way and find a lot to say. If you enjoy conversation, debate and discussion, here's your perfect partner. Not so if you happen to feel there's more to life than words. An Air sign person can say pretty much anything and make it sound persuasive. So persuasive, indeed, that they will convince themselves it must be true! Woe betide you if you argue. That's playing right into the Air person's hands. Air likes to whip up a wind. It also likes to be free to float. If you like things to be the same from day to day, Air's constant changeability will drive you bananas. If though, you like to get high on the exhilarating oxygen of brainpower, here's your source of eternal excitement.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
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Daniel Cainer and The Stardogs and are back with your MARCH 2025 Astrology Song. Enjoy some spookily accurate suggestions for the month in a musical nutshell from a multi-award-winning songwriter and two cute sausage dogs.