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For the week starting:
Sunday, 2 March 2025

First Quarter Moon in Gemini

Cainer Horoscopes

Think of Thursday's First Quarter Moon as a gentle cosmic nudge, like a friend tapping your shoulder to point out something wonderful.

This is a moment to reflect and choose your next steps with purpose and care. Imagine finding a treasure map in your desk drawer that you'd tucked away - this lunar phase invites you to rediscover what truly matters and what new possibilities await.

You're asking yourself "Where am I?", "Where do I want to be?" This lunation is offering you the opportunity to reconnect to your true self.

So, shake up your routines if you can - even taking a different route to work can refresh your perspective - or maybe try switching from instant coffee to proper espresso. Gemini's influence brings a refreshing curiosity to your world, like a breeze that clears away mental cobwebs and invites fresh thinking.

Welcome this natural inquisitiveness - it's a gift that helps you see familiar situations from new angles.

Indeed, if your life came equipped with a handy GPS function, would yours be saying "recalculating" right now? Remember, the stars don't dictate your route - but they can help you see the way ahead with greater clarity and purpose.

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