The monthly forecasts are usually published on the first Saturday of each month. If you'd like to read yours up to
2 weeks in advance then why not join the 5 Star Service?
February kick-starts with a pile of planets in visionary Aquarius and sensitive Pisces. It's perfect energy for getting in touch with our dreams and finding creative ways to manifest them. With Uranus, the change-maker, moving forwards at the start of the month, out-of-the-box strategies stand a real chance of success. By the time power planet Mars, which has been travelling backwards for nearly three months, changes direction towards the end of February, we'll be well on the way towards realising goals.
Three heavyweight cosmic players - Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune - are packing their celestial suitcases and heading for new parts of your chart. It's rather like having your three most opinionated relatives decide to visit simultaneously - there's bound to be some drama! To see your own, unique timetable of forthcoming changes, challenges, chances and choices, click here. (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot - OFFER ENDS TODAY!)