
What exactly are equinoxes? Well, twice a year, usually around March 20th and September 22nd, the length of day and night are almost equal. It's a delicate balancing act between light and darkness, marking the transition between seasons and it is caused by the tilt of the Earth on its axis towards the sun.
These markers don't just hold meteorological importance - equinoxes hold profound astrological meaning that has fascinated humanity for centuries. Equinoxes mark the point where the Sun moves into the Cardinal signs of Aries (In March) and Libra (In September). Cardinality describes the qualities of these signs. Aries and Libra are 'doers'. They are creative and dynamic, taking initiative and making things happen.
Symbolically these are the points in the year when balance, harmony and renewal are emphasised and celebrated. Since the beginning of time, Humans have connected to these points of equal day and night and noticed that their energy is higher and the seasons are at the point of major transition and motivation.
First Equinox of the Year
The First Equinox of the year, when the Sun enters Aries, marks the arrival of spring in the Northern hemisphere. Astrologically, this is the time of year that Aries qualities are most prevalent. There is a potent energy of rebirth and renewal. This is the start of the Astrological year and as such, Aries is symbolic for new beginnings, brave new starts and a sense of pioneering action.
The natural world in this state is impulsive, excitable and enthusiastic and we notice this within ourselves too. 0 degrees Aries, the point of the equinox, is deeply symbolic of new starts and beginnings. Each year, at Equinox, we have a chance to create on a clear, blank canvas. Passionate Mars, the ruler of fire sign Aries inspires us to follow our will and to paint the start of our story with bold strength and to blaze our own trail.
Equinoxes are a reminder of the cyclical nature of the earth itself and all life on it. Just as the seasons change, we also move through phases of growth, hibernation, rest and renewal. Equinoxes represent a definitive moment to shed old skins and rediscover and ignite our desire for growth and development.
Second Equinox of the Year
The Second Equinox, in September, when the Sun moves to exactly 0 degrees Libra, marks the culmination of the cycle which began in March. Everything once again is ready to change. Libra, the cosmic harmoniser ensures balance. To renew, we must first restore and we cannot do that without partnership. Aries is very much associated with the self, and Libra, with our relationships to others.
This is the point in the year to look at our partnerships, to see what is working and what has swung out of whack, if you will. Libra, which also represents justice, offers a clean slate again, but this time the cosmos is encouraging us to take into consideration not just what we want, but what others need too.
Air sign Libra evaluates what we have learned on our journey since the previous equinox, and supports us to use logic to apply it now to bring about balance into our lives. The pioneering spirit of Aries is exchanged now for a drive which encourages us to seek a sense of purposeful Peace.
Libra shows us how to mature into compromise which allows for harmonious coexistence. How to free ourselves through forgiveness and to act with kindness, integrity and fairness.
What's special about this one?
The point when the Sun ingresses Libra this year, on the 22nd of September, is a moment between two eclipses. We find ourselves in a period of change and transformation. What has been unfair, out of balance, distorted or clouded with delusion is in the process of becoming clearer and made right.
The moment that the Sun moves from Virgo into Libra this year creates a really interesting chart. This event is dominated by aspect patterns which speak of a bigger picture and indicate exactly what has shifted since the last Equinox. Equinoxes are a point where we are re-energised and ready to focus.
Jupiter, the planet of generosity, faith and expansion is forming connections with the Sun and Neptune. In Gemini there is insatiable curiosity in this alignment. A need to seek the truth and to shatter illusions which no longer make sense.
The Sun, opposing Neptune, begins a process of insisting upon balance and air to counter Neptune's chaotic pull towards an oasis - which appears to be glittering but may not be as it seems. Life is filled with difficulties. No matter how lucky we are, we all face similar themes in our time on this planet. There is simplicity in our human connection.
We are all here on this planet for only a finite time. Surely then, we ought to use that time here to do something good? To live our lives as well as possible, to spread love and leave lightness and joy behind with every step we take? It is a lot of pressure to maintain this all the time. None of us can do it alone.
But the Sun's move into Libra is a yearly reminder that we are never alone. The sign of cooperation, love and harmony promotes unity and connection. We all have much more in common than we often care to admit. Deep down we all need the same thing. When we work together we can help each other find the balance. When we are tired, we can rely on the support system which is now being shown to us by the planets to give us strength.
Uranus and Pluto
In a Trine formation to Uranus and Pluto the star at the centre of our solar system steers a powerful conversation which began in Virgo, in a new direction. After analysing the problem and identifying each issue, one by one, like stones lined up in order of size, Mercury and the Sun are ready to work together to puzzle out what is truly important now. They ask an important question of all of us - "What needs to change to make things right?"... "What can you do now?
In our Hands
"The past cannot be changed but the future is in our hands". Doing the right thing, leading the way gracefully and holding a torch for truth and justice is within all of us somewhere. We can choose to redress imbalances and counter injustices with kindness and genuine care.
All it takes is a conscious commitment to do better.
Energy and Rebalance for your sign
What area of your life can you expect to feel the effects of the equinox in?
Check your sign below:
Libra rules your seventh house of 'the world out there'. Every relationship and partnership you have will feel under the spotlight now - it's time to reflect on what is working, what is not and where you need support. It might mean that the boundaries of some relationships need redefining for you to find a sense of equality and you may also be surprised by where you find support now...
The Libra Equinox stimulates your desire to address your health and to look at your daily routines and habits. Your work-life balance is being cosmically questioned now and you might feel inclined to take some radical action around making healthier choices which benefit your wellbeing.
The Sun's ingress into your fellow Air sign of Libra is generating a wave of energy for you around your self-expression and creativity. What activities inspire you? Where do you find joy and allow yourself to play? What are you passionate about? This Equinox is focusing on your 5th house and asking you to connect with this part of yourself by doing what you love.
Your 4th house of family roots and domestic environment is being activated through the Sun's move into Libra. You might feel inclined to connect with relatives or to spend time nurturing your chosen family. Your home will feel important now and you may find yourself drawn to thinking about past family dynamics and where you come from.
How do you communicate? What do you need to learn? What gaps in your knowledge need filling so you can move forward? The Sun moving into Libra is activating your need to communicate with others and to feel supported within a community. You were born to lead - use that energy to start some positive local action!
When the Sun moves into Libra it starts a journey of bringing balance into the realm of your self-worth and the worth of your resources. You might think that you are only worth what you have but what you carry within you is much more important. You have more people on your side than you might imagine now and the Sun in Libra is helping you to reconnect. Financial issues are not worth falling out about in the long run - you will attract more wealth when you put your well-being first and do what is right.
How do you see yourself? Are you being true to who you really are? Your identity is more than the roles you play in different arenas - you are worthy of respect and adoration because of who you are, not just what you can do for other people. It is time to look at yourself as others see you and stop second-guessing yourself. Libra season has begun and it is here to empower you to step into your most authentic, wonderful self.
The 12th house, which is being activated by the Sun's ingress into Libra now, is something of an unknowable entity. It involves all things related to institutions as well as your sense of spirituality and your deepest inner world. You might feel even more reclusive than normal during this time but it is important to remember that you have much more support than you might recognise. Spending quality time with yourself is wonderful but if it gets too much remember to balance it with plenty of socialising!
Libra rules the sign of your social circle and the role you play within a wider community. As the Sun visits this area of your life you might find that you are being relied upon to organise more than your fair share of social events. Luckily, you are naturally the life and soul of any party and you can afford to be as generous with your time now as you see fit. The more connections you make the wider your circle grows...
What does being successful really mean? Is it to be busy all the time? Of course not! Not even Capricorns want to live only to work. You know it should be the other way around. This month, as the Sun moves into your 10th house of public status and career moves, these areas of your life may feel more important than usual. Just remember that what you're doing it all for is to have more time and freedom, not less.
Where do you yearn to go? What do you wish you could learn? It is never too late to travel or to study. You are feeling inspired to expand your mind as well as your horizons as the Sun illuminates your 9th house which rules these themes. Read up on something which you find fascinating or better yet, make a plan that can take you towards a life which fills you with awe and inspiration.
The Libra Equinox is impacting your 8th house of transformation, intimacy and shared resources. That might sound a little intimidating but where there are changes to be made you are now ready to make them. Reassessing relationships or transactional situations which may need clarity will be on the agenda. It is time to start to get real about your finances and shared investments - Sharing how you feel will help you establish what needs to change and the Sun in Libra is supporting you to make positive shifts now.