Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 1 2024 to July 7 2024

Monday July 1

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! Years ago, I visited a friend in Ontario. Amongst the many spectacular places we visited, one stood out. Walter's Falls is a waterfall which freezes in the winter. It struck me that even in extreme weather conditions when the huge torrent of water is brought to a standstill, it still drips in the same direction; nothing totally reverses the flow. Following Saturn's change in direction, even if progress feels slow, there's no danger of going backwards. With patient determination dreams can be fulfilled.

Tuesday July 2

Voters One and All

In Australia, (unlike the UK where we're preparing for a General Election), voting is compulsory. Yet as Mercury (intelligence) enters Leo and prepares to oppose mysterious Pluto, we all find ourselves feeling compelled to make our voices heard and to speak truth to power. With dreamy Neptune turning retrograde, messages based on inspiration will be most effective. With deeper truths being made more obvious, it's by listening to our hearts that we can make choices that benefit us and enrich our lives.

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