Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 17 2024 to June 23 2024

Monday June 17


The composer Stravinsky, who was born on this day, said "I haven't understood a bar of music in my life, but I've felt it." As an astrologer with a musical background, I can relate! I don't claim to understand every 'how' and 'why' in astrology, but I know, from experience, how the stars' alignments make me feel. As Venus (love) and Mercury (communication) link with dreamy Neptune today, emotions are at the top of the cosmic agenda. Communicating them is the first step towards understanding.

Tuesday June 18

Sir Paul

Happy birthday Sir Paul McCartney! As a bass guitar player, his style is iconic. But it's not just craftsmanship that makes those songs special; they've become autobiographical markers that remind us of important moments in our own lives. As Venus (love) and Mercury (intellect) link, they encourage us to express our feelings. With the Solstice approaching, by finding ways to express our appreciation, we can encourage others to join in. In our own way, we can all make music today.

Wednesday June 19


It's Juneteenth, when the US celebrates the end of slavery after the Civil War. As the Sun moves to link with dreamy Neptune just before the Solstice, it's a perfect time to celebrate beacons of hope and peaceful resolutions; it inspires us to work towards creating a more harmonious future. The Solstice is about looking back as well as ahead. And with the Strawberry Full Moon approaching, meaningful realisations can set us on roads towards achieving beautiful and long-lasting goals.

Thursday June 20

Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice! Today the cosmic pendulum begins swinging once again as the Sun completes its six-month arc across our skies. As the source of light and energy moves into Cancer, understanding the past is key to creating the kind of future we want to be living. Finding the right path forwards involves being true to our fundamental values, and generosity towards others. As the Strawberry Full Moon approaches, positive action taken now will be magnified. Our next steps can be giant strides.

Friday June 21

Glastonbury Festival

Today, the world's largest greenfield music gathering begins; it's Glastonbury Festival time! Although I'll be present in spirit, these days I'm too pampered to spend my weekend without a hot shower and comfy bed! So I'll be watching from my sofa! Plus, arguably the biggest headliner this weekend is the Strawberry Full Moon, which will be visible from my London backyard! It promises artistic achievements, meaningful realisations, great social connections, and a (natural) high.

Saturday June 22

Your Weekly Horoscope

The weekend's Strawberry Full Moon highlights our achievements. But it also asks us to consider whether we're closer to realising our dreams; because although we don't always know what we've got until it's gone, sometimes we get what we wanted but still don't feel fulfilled. Saturn slowing to turn retrograde this week helps to strip away things that aren't meaningful and rebuild more effectively. The combination of cosmic energies generates a change that our hearts will know is right.

Sunday June 23

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

The weekend's Strawberry Full Moon highlights our achievements. But it also asks us to consider whether we're closer to realising our dreams; because although we don't always know what we've got until it's gone, sometimes we get what we wanted but still don't feel fulfilled. Saturn slowing to turn retrograde this week helps to strip away things that aren't meaningful and rebuild more effectively. The combination of cosmic energies generates a change that our hearts will know is right.

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