Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



December 21 2009 to December 27 2009

Monday December 21
The Solstice

In Japan, this is Toji. In much of Asia, it's Dongzhì. Around the world, in very different ways, billions of us mark the moment of the solstice, turning point of the Sun. Associated deities and festivals include Beiwe (Scandinavia). Chaomos (Pakistan), Goru (Mali), Junkanoo (West Africa), Lenæa (Greece), Lucia (Scandinavia), Meán Geimhridh (Celtic countries), Modranicht (Germany), Rozhanitsa (Russia), Shab-e Chelleh (Iran), Seva Zistanê (Kurdish), Soyal (Hopi Indians), We Tripantu (Southern Chile) and Ziemassvetki (Latvia). Some say Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights, was also originally a solstice festival. Yule and Saturnalia definitely were. And Christmas still is!

Tuesday December 22
Milky Getaway

Whenever scientists discover new planets, I am asked, 'Will this make a difference to astrology?' I always answer, 'Not unless such planets are within our own solar system.' The latest news involves GJ 1214b, an Earth-like planet orbiting a star 40 light years away. That's only going to change our future in one way. Experts never expected to find a potentially habitable world near a star so small. Now they know what to look for, they may find more. So as soon as we work out how to travel faster than light, we can start planning our holidays.

Wednesday December 23

I am currently preparing one set of predictions for 2010, plus an additional set, which will consider the whole of the coming decade. Long-range forecasts like this are always tricky. An astrologer's ability to give good answers depends, to some extent, on having enough insight to ask the right questions. With this in mind, I'd like to request your help. If you would like me to look at a particular aspect of the future for your sign between now and 2020 - or for a particular issue, subject or 'situation in the news' - please drop me a brief line at

Thursday December 24
Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Even in parts of the world where it seems as if everyone is joining in with Christmas, there are some who find the experience stressful or sad. The emphasis on home and family can be upsetting to those who have lost loved ones, or whose circumstances prevent them being with the people they care most for. I always try to keep such folk in mind as I write and record 'festive forecasts'. I understand that they may be especially in need of astrological inspiration. This year, though, an exceptionally kind cosmic climate should promote hope and healing for everyone.

Please note - as the website team hope to take it easy a little over the next few days, your emails may take a little longer than usual to be replied to. Thank you for your patience.

Friday December 25

Never before have I written forecasts for Christmas Day. I began my career in Britain where everything closes down for the day. This year, though, I have prepared special predictions for the many readers for whom this holiday is not such an all-consuming event. While I will miss my 'one day off in the year', I am excited to be addressing a wider audience. Wherever you are in the world today, you should know that the heavens are making no special provision for Christmas. But there are real reasons why we should all feel good about the day.

Please note - as the website team hope to take it easy a little over the next few days, your emails may take a little longer than usual to be replied to. Thank you for your patience.

Saturday December 26
Your Week Ahead

This week brings the last Full Moon of the decade and the second Full Moon of December. That means it's a 'once in a Blue Moon' kind of a time. (Unless you live in Australia, in which case, the moon becomes fully full on January 1 and the new decade begins in a blue moon mood). Either way, it's reasonable now, to be thinking 'outside of the box'. And appropriate, too, given that it's 'Boxing Day'! Imagine what you wouldn't normally dare to imagine. Hope for what might usually seem way too far-fetched. Not every dream can come true this week, but you may yet be pleasantly surprised by what proves possible.

Please note - as the website team hope to take it easy a little over the next few days, your emails may take a little longer than usual to be replied to. Thank you for your patience.

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