Your Zodiac Forecasts, from Jonathan Cainer
Amy Winehouse
first published 12th April 2009
Other Celebrity Stars

The extraordinary voice of Amy Winehouse has made headlines for all the right reasons. The extraordinary life of Amy has made headlines for many of the wrong reasons. This week, Jonathan looks closely at the Back To Black star...

I once sat right behind Amy Winehouse during Jools Holland’s Hootenanny. She still had her beehive and she was very engrossed with her boyfriend, who was sitting on her lap. My jaw dropped, though, when I heard her sing. What a voice. What a style. What a talent. I felt far too starstruck to say hello.

Later, I looked at her horoscope. What a birth chart! She’s no more an ordinary Virgo than Michael Jackson, who we mentioned the other week. Her chart is full of planetary pairs - with conjunctions of the Moon and Neptune, Mars and Venus, Jupiter and Uranus, Sun and Mercury, Pluto and Saturn.

No wonder she’s so wild and restless. She may be a romantic but her dreams don’t involve domestic bliss. Drama has followed her all her life and it doesn’t look set to leave her. Her fame will never fade. But nor will her flame. We’ll still be reading about her passionate quest for impossible love and her dalliances with danger, for as long as she lives. The latest gossip says it all. Other celebrities may slip on the banana skin of success but Amy, alllegedly, just rolls it up and smokes it. Will her health give way if she doesn’t give over? Maybe, one day. But she’s quite capable of walking that tightrope between going too far and going over the edge for many many moons to come!

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Birth Chart

Name: Amy Winehouse
Date: 14 September 1983
Time of Birth: 12pm
Place: London
GMT Time (Adjusted): 14 September 1983 11:00:00

Note: If the exact time of birth is unknown, then sunrise is used to calculate the chart.


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