Your Zodiac Forecasts, from Jonathan Cainer
Kerry Katona
first published 7th December 2008
Other Celebrity Stars

In 2008, Kerry Katona has been bankrupted, burgled and badmouthed - though she’s also had a beautiful baby and hung on to her advertising contract with Iceland. Kerry’s life may seem up in the air, but she’s a down to earth Virgo. Late in 2009 she has her Saturn return. That happens to us all, once every 29 years or so. It’s when Saturn returns to the same part of the sky it occupied on the day we were born. Each year, the Sun does something similar. The ‘Solar Return’ is why we say ‘Many happy returns’ on our birthdays, Usually, Solar Returns ARE happy. Saturn Returns tend to bring chickens home to roost and force brave choices. They cause us to question commitments and make new ones based on a deeper understanding of what we value. Will Kerry lose her house? Not unless that’s part of her secret plan to move life on. What she won’t lose, though, are her marbles! Kerry’s a clever cookie and her stock in the world of showbiz is about to start rising!

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Birth Charts

Name: Kerry Katona
Date: 6 September 1980
Time of Birth (Local): Unknown
Place: Warrington, England
GMT Time (Adjusted): 06 September 1980 05:31:00

Note: If the exact time of birth is unknown, then sunrise is used to calculate the chart.


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